Safety First!

Safety First!SAfety First

🚴‍♀️ Bicycle Helmets, Speed Limits & Safety – A Serious (but friendly) Reminder for Families 🚴‍♂️

We’ve noticed some students riding their bikes, skateboards, scooters, and blades to school like they're auditioning for the next X-Games – crossing Hwy 101 without lights, diagonally dodging cars like pros. Impressive? Maybe. Safe? Definitely not!

🛑 The Law – And it's not just us being "the fun police." Oregon State Law (ORS 814.485) says anyone under 16 must wear a helmet when riding on public roads. If your kiddo is under 12 and caught without one, you get the $25 fine. So, think of that helmet as $25 worth of peace of mind.

🎁 Need a helmet? – No problem! If buying a helmet is tough right now, there are some available at the Warrenton Police Department, and they are working on getting more.

🚗 School Zone Speed Limits – No Speeding Exceptions!

Now, let's talk about those school zones! The 20 mph limit isn’t a "maybe" rule—it’s an "always" rule. This goes for everyone, including students, parents, and staff! You should hit that 20 mph at the start of the zone and stay there until you're out of it. Even if you're late or in a hurry, there are NO EXCEPTIONS.

Let’s all do our part to keep everyone safe—because nothing says "I care" like a helmet and safe driving! 😊